Billa 2 postponed again, Billa 2 movie postponed to June 28, Billa 2 movie release date, Billa 2 new release date, Latest news about Billa 2, Reasons of Billa 2 getting delayed,

Ajith’s much awaited film of the year ‘Billa 2’ which is making lot of buzz among the fans about the release date & censor is postponed again.
Before the makers of the film has planned to release the film on June 22, but due delay in get censor certification the film get postponed.
There is an un-confirmed buzz that Venu Ravichandra of Aascar Films who is have TN distribution rights of the film has acquired the ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Tamil Nadu theatrical rights except Chennai which is release on June 29.
Meanwhile the Belgium distributor of ‘Billa 2’ says that “’Billa 2’ is the first ever Tamil film to get released in Belgium. The special screening of the film will be held on June 27 (Wednesday), 4.00 PM and the film is releasing on June 28 worldwide.
But till producer of the film Sunir Khetrapal didn’t made any official announcement regarding the censor certification & release date. In one or two days the official announcement will be made regarding the ‘Billa 2’ release date.