Dancing diva Madhuri Dixit unveiled the first look of Bela Bhansali Sehgal’s directorial debut “Shirin Farhad Ki Toh Nikal Padi” and says the film’s story is different and that it will do well.
“It is such a pleasure to be here today. My association with Sanjayji (Sanjay Leela Bhansali) goes back to ‘Devdas’. I have interacted with Belaji too. It is such an unusual story. When you think of Shirin and Farhad, you think of a classic love story. But here they are two very cute characters and I think it will do really well. I wish it all the best,” Madhuri, who Wednesday unveiled the first look of the film, told reporters.
Co-produced by Eros International and Bhansali Productions, the film will see Farah Khan and Boman Irani as the lead pair.
“I want to wish Farah and Bomanji all the best. I had interacted with Farah during my film ‘Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam”. She was the choreographer. She is fun to work with and I really love her work,” said Madhuri.
Eros International and Bhansali Productions have co-produced the film, which is Bela’s first film as a director and it also marks Farah’s acting debut.
Bhansali said: “I want to thank Madhuri for being here. It is a very special gesture. It is very difficult to make Madhuri Dixit to say yes. I know because I have gone through it. It is a very special moment for me.”